Publicăm mai jos invitația primită din partea FBE cu privire la evenimentul INTERNATIONAL LEGAL TECH COMPETITION EUROPEAN BARS FEDERATION (FBE).

Dear Members of the European Bars Federation,

I am pleased to report that the European Bars Federation announced the International Legal Tech Competition. The theme of this year’s edition of the competition is “e-Access to Justice”. The competition is addressed to lawyers-members of the Bar Associations associated in the FBE (there is no age limitation). The task of the contestants is to demonstrate how the digitalization of justice may increase the efficiency of the legal system and facilitate access to justice. Participants are encouraged to present not only theoretical possibilities of the use of modern technology in judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution processes but also practical – even technical – implementation opportunities in these fields.

I cordially invite all members of the FBE Bar Associations to take part in the competition. I would also like to encourage the FBE Bar Associations to promote the event through their websites/social media/newsletters etc. Both disseminating of information on the competition and encouraging participation of lawyers would be a valuable help. Therefore, please find attached graphic materials that may be useful in this regard.

Details of the competition as well as the terms and conditions can be found under this link: http://www.fbe.org/international-legaltech-competition/