Anunț – European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
Dear European Bar Associations,
European Asylum Support Office (EASO) is an Agency of the European Union set up by virtue of Regulation (EU) 439/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The agency plays a key role in the concrete development of the Common European Asylum System. According to the EASO Multiannual Work plan 2017-2019, EASO will continue to enhance its operational support to EU Member States’ asylum and reception systems. In implementing its mandate, the Agency may seek legal advisory services in different fields.
EASO has recently published an open call for tender divided in 2 Lots to conclude single framework contracts for a maximum amount of € 500,000 for the provision of Legal Advisory services. All the available information can be obtained through:
The call for tender is deemed as the best means to open the market through enhancing genuine competition between the economic operators and thus providing the opportunity for EASO to benefit from offers that provide the best value for money. The Bar Association is considered as an appropriate network to inform and reach law firms that might be interested to make an offer. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could twit on your website this opportunity and further publicize our call for tender in your respective countries through any channels at no charges.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Kind regards,
EASO Procurement Sector
European Asylum Support Office
MTC Block A, Winemakers Wharf, Grand Harbour Valletta, MRS 1917, Malta